Friday, 3 January 2020

How to Identify Strong and Durable Veneer Sheets

Everyone nowadays wants attractive and durable furniture in their homes. Well, one such decorative surface which is widely used to adorn wooden furniture across multiple homes and offices is veneer sheet. Veneer sheets are thin sheets of wood with a decorative finish that make up for the outer and final look of any wooden furniture including tables, wardrobes, wall panels, flush doors, etc.

Veneer sheets come in multiple varieties and patterns. However, you as a buyer must be able to identify a quality veneer or simply be able to distinguish between a durable veneer sheet and a weak veneer sheet.

Here are some simple points to refer to while selecting veneers to make sure that you put your money in the right ones:

     Check the thickness

Veneer sheets are prepared by glueing several thinner slices of wood together to form a thin sheet of wood. Generally, a thickness of around 0.3 mm to 0.4 mm is considered as the ideal thickness for veneer sheets. While looking through the sheets, if you encounter sheets with thickness less than 0.3 mm, you should know that they may not be quite durable and trustable. Thinner veneers tend to have a shorter life and are liable to develop cracks easily. They are not scuff-resistant like they are supposed to be. A quality veneer will always be comparatively thicker and thus, more durable.

     Notice the veneer grains

Veneer sheets are of two types: natural and engineered. Natural wood veneer is made by glueing together several thinner slices of natural wood with the outermost layer also resembling patterns like that of natural wood. As a result, the grain lines are clearly visible on the veneer sheet. Engineered veneer, also known as reconstructed veneers are made by glueing together crushed wood, fibres, softwood, hardwood, etc.GE. While advanced technology used nowadays make it difficult to notice grains of any kind, you can still get a closer look and choose the one that displays clear visibility of grains. This is true if you are only looking to buy natural veneer sheets. To be sure of what you buy, you must only choose the best veneer brands in India like CenturyVeneers.

Besides taking care of the aforementioned points, you must also check the cost of veneers in India. Natural veneers are usually costlier than reconstructed veneers. Make sure you always go for a quality product over a cheaper version.

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